
While orthodontics is often an elective procedure,

The grinding teeth, followed by jaws shutting tight. They are the things that show us how difficult situations are turning out to be in present. Tension caused by such things as job insecurity, inflation and identity crises among men and women is reflected in abnormal, potentially harmful mouth movements. To release tension, adults may unconsciously grind their teeth and clench their jaws while asleep, and this condition is known as bruxism. Side effects such as ear pain, headaches, and vertigo may result from the neuromuscular problem known as the clicking of jaws. One of the findings of studies done on bruxism is that women over the 40 age bracket are more susceptible to the condition than men are. It has been commonly observed that tensions are released through the mouth for most women while frustrations are reflected by men in the form of stomach problems. Orthodontics is not the way to solve the problem but only to temporarily prevent teeth damage, since the best way to solve the problem is to deal with the frustrations that have led to the tensions. Just one of many dental problems that orthodontists have only come to realize now is bruxism. For the past years, orthodontics has concerned itself with much more than just straightening of teeth to look good. Recent methods and techniques are now focusing not just on the teeth but also on the jaw, lips, tongue, and the rest of the facial structure. Many adults may actually require the services of orthodontists, even if the orthodontics is perceived to mainly cater to adolescents. Caution should be observed by orthodontists when dealing with adult patients. The tissues of adults aren't as bouncy as the tissues that children have.

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He points out that advances have been made in combining orthodontics and plastic surgery to reconstruct severe deformities resulting from such things as protruding jaws, cleft lips and palate. Jaw growth problems are mostly the cases that orthodontists deal with every year. The teeth will often follow the position of the jaw. The teeth will end up wherever it is that the jaw is placed most of the time. Proper jaw growth may be guided through surgery done on the underdeveloped jaw or through the aid of corrective appliances.

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While orthodontics is often an elective procedure, it can also be preventive. Those who suck their thumbs may wind up with a condition called improper tongue thrust, which can lead to speech impediment and improper swallowing. The position and location of teeth may change because the tongue, a powerful muscle, may push against them. Abnormal bite can be corrected if chinstraps are worn, because these things provide upward and downward forces directed toward the lower jaw. Bone damage and loss of teeth are just two things that may happen because of a bad bite. Cosmetic improvements of dental devices include the improvement of materials used in bands as well as the direct bonding of plastic with metal for braces. The effective metal braces often loses to plastic when discussing aesthetics, but in terms of effectivity, the former wins. A relatively new radiography apparatus, the laminagraph, is becoming more widely utilized in orthodontics. It takes an X ray of the total dentofacial region in one shot and it uses one sixth of the radiation required for the conventional full mouth Xray of each tooth. X rays for the purpose of locating tooth decay will not be replaced by laminagraphy, but the latter will be a useful diagnostic tool in a broader scope.

