
Decreasing recovery time from an injury or illness;

Why is Swedish massage therapy requested more than any other type of massage technique? One of the most prominent reasons is that Swedish massage has established a reputation of being a very effectual - and at the same time enjoyable - option for relieving discomfort from a number of ailments. It is even gathering the support of doctors nationwide, who claim that the benefits of Swedish massage therapy can be as effective as other treatments for some health issues. The main characteristic Swedish massage therapy is the application of firm pressure that is used to bring relaxation to the muscles. But at the same time, the pressure and the strokes used in Swedish massage therapy need to be gentle, as well as firm and targeted. Lotion is often used to reduce friction and stimulate the skin. If administered by a trained massage therapist, Swedish massage therapy will not only relax and rejuvenate the body, but will also: Increase oxygen in the blood; Remove harmful toxins from muscles and tissues; Improve circulation and flexibility in the ligaments; Ease stress-related illnesses. Swedish massage therapy, unlike drug therapy (which is often associated with many long-term side effects), is safe and has few drawbacks, while providing many benefits. Some of the benefits of Swedish massage therapy include: Loosening tight tissue and muscles; Relieving pain from cramps and muscle spasms; Increasing mobility; Improving skin and muscle tone; Fortifying strength in the muscles; Decreasing recovery time from an injury or illness; Removing toxic wastes that can harm the body and cause discomfort; Relieving symptoms associated with ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, arthritis and headache/joint pain. Those are some of the benefits of Swedish massage therapy on the body, but its benefits are also very effective in helping our minds by: Improving your overall sense of well-being; Enhancing your sleep habits;

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Relieving depression, stress, irritation and anxiety; Increasing your ability to concentrate. As mentioned above, Swedish massage therapy is gaining respect from the medical community because of its proven ability to calm the body, greatly reduce the effects of depression and tension, decrease blood pressure and improve circulation. Many doctors are prescribing Swedish massage therapy as a complementary (not a replacement) method in the treatment of chronic headache pain, asthma, arthritis and facial pain, to name a few. Doctors are also prescribing to this technique to improve the rehabilitation process required as the result of illness or injury. Swedish massage therapy has proven to be quite effective in removing potentially harmful toxins from the blood ... toxins that are known to slow the recovery process.

