
Thorough Evaluation Necessary to Finalize the Treatment Procedure

Advancements in the field of orthodontics include innovative orthodontic treatments that address dental anomalies effectively, with least discomfort for the patients. Utilizing these effective, comfortable treatment options children and adults can straighten their misaligned teeth, and benefit from a charming, dazzling smile as well as improved facial appearance. Dental Anomalies that Can Be Treated with Orthodontic Procedures Crooked teeth, protruded teeth, crossbites, openbites, overbites and underbites can be successfully corrected with orthodontic braces. With dental irregularities out of the way, children and adults can also improve their physical fitness by avoiding tooth loss, abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, gum diseases, chewing problems, digestion disorders and speech impairments. Thorough Evaluation Necessary to Finalize the Treatment Procedure Before prescribing orthodontic procedures, orthodontists examine the structure of the teeth, face and jaws of their patients through X-rays, photographs and bite impressions. Metal braces, ceramic braces or Invisalign braces will be recommended on the basis of this evaluation.

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Traditional metal braces are usually recommended for children. These braces are strong and also cost-effective. Clear ceramic braces, known as tooth-colored braces are very smooth, translucent and are completely stain resistant. Invisalign invisible braces are mostly favored by adults and teens. Invisalign clear plastic aligners are specially designed using advanced 3D imaging technology. The patient has to wear one set of aligners for two weeks and replace it with a fresh set, to speed up the teeth straightening. Invisalign braces promote good oral hygiene. Patients can eat, drink, brush and floss normally. Moreover, these braces are virtually invisible, so the treatment can be completed without the knowledge of others.

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An Experienced Orthodontist Is Most Important Only an experienced orthodontist can correctly determine the braces that are most suitable for children and adults. Besides, your orthodontist should be able to educate you on the orthodontic options available, and why a particular procedure is most suitable for you. In this technology age, the doctor can even show you the after treatment images on the computer, so that you can have a clear idea of the results you can expect.

