
So here are a few tips

For some the lower back is an area of vulnerability. This is because it supports most of the body抯 weight, resulting in potential vulnerability and therefore damage. Problems are likely o increase with age, which is not surprising. And with the increasing problems with diet and increasing obesity, further pressure is added to the lower back, adding to possible increased suffering.

Figures suggest that for people aged 16 or over, may experience some form of back pain at some time during their life. This may range from one to two days or up to periods of several months at a time.

Significant working hours are lost due to back pain, which leaves employers counting the cost. Some of this could be reduced through better working practices, and education of workers.

It appears that people aged between 35-55 yrs suffer more as a result of back pain. It has also been observed that middle aged woman suffer more with back pain, as a result of the osteoporosis, around this time.

So ho can I reduce the possibility of getting back & neck pain. Remember the saying 損revention is better than Cure?

So here are a few tips:
1.Maintain a good diet( are start one!) knowing that your back carries most of your weight.

2.Learn to have a good posture. Look to hold yourself correctly, when sitting, be upright, and avoid slouching, either when stood up or sat down.

3.Learn to lift items correctly, especially when heavy.(or get someone else to do the lifting!). Always use the legs to do the work, rather than your back.

4. Maintain good exercise, preferably about 15 minutes per day, as this will ensure a degree of fitness.

5.Find a good sleeping position. Normally sleeping on your stomach could be damaging for your spine.

6.Keep an annual visit with your local osteopath, who can give you the 慳ll clear? or identify a problem building up, and deal with it before it becomes serious.

I suffered for several months with a bad back, and regular treatment by my osteopath, initially relieved the pain, and then eliminated it. Heaven!.

