
7. Acupuncture

A person suffering from migraine can be stressed, annoyed and in pain. This is because the serotonin (a chemical in the brain) levels fall causing the blood vessels to swell. Migraine pain cure is a fast way to be relieved and ease your whole day of pain. Let us consider first the migraine symptoms and causes to determine the proper treatments. Here are some. It is a pulsating and throbbing pain in the head and it usually occurs at any specific area on any side of the head. The intensity of pain may happen for hours or less. The symptoms are: * Nausea and vomiting. * Sensitivity to light. * Hands and feet are sweaty and cold. * Intense headache. * Fainting ( in some individuals) These symptoms can trigger because of certain factors. Here are some of the causes. * Smell smoke ( Being close to cigarette smokers) * Strong fragrant perfumes ( irritates the olfactory nerves resulting to migraine) * Too much glare (from fluorescent lights and other glaring materials) * Noise pollution ( construction sites, airfields, noisy environment) * Stress * Hunger * Improper diet * Medications * Climate change * Hormonal change (for women especially during menstruation) These symptoms and causes may aggravate migraine. Luckily, there are migraine pain cure remedies available. Here are the remedies. 1. Proper sleep Getting a proper sleep for at least 8 hours will effectively reduce your problems with migraine. 2. Proper nutrition Proper nutrition is very important so that your body is healthy and fit. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system. Avoid 搄unk food?especially with MSG (monosodium glutamate). MSG triggers migraine according to experts. 3. Hot water and ice pack The feet are soaked in hot water and an ice pack is placed in the head. This method will take away the pain and it will also make you feel sleepy. 4. Exercise and Yoga Yoga is an effective migraine pain cure. It is an exercise technique to meditate and take away your stress levels.

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5. Massage A relaxing massage in the head including the body can be an effective way to take away migraine. This method is to stimulate your body抯 blood circulation resulting to a good feeling a good night抯 sleep. 6. Herbal remedies Herbal teas like chamomile tea, green tea, lavender tea and eucalyptus will help in reducing migraine. These herbal teas contain caffeine that helps stimulate our nervous system. Avoid drinking too much because it will worsen migraine. 1 cup a day would be enough. 7. Acupuncture Acupuncture uses sterilized needles to prick your 損ressure points?in the body and the head. This method stimulates your immune system and blood circulation to relieve you from migraine. 8. Proper medications

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There are over the counter medicines for migraine that can be bought in pharmacies or it can be prescribed by doctors. Make sure to consume it properly to avoid overdose or it may worsen migraine. In conclusion, migraine is a disorder that can be treated properly by using these methods and tips. The most important thing to remember is to exercise proper nutrition to be fit and healthy.

