
Those who do have symptoms generally experience fever,

Of course you've heard of HIV and maybe you've even signed up for the support group found on Facebook. The question here is, do you know how it spreads or exactly what HIV is? HIV isn't as common of a disease as a cold, but it severely affects the lives of those it plagues. People with HIV must get tested or seek treatment early. The amount of virus that present in the body related to the stage of the symptoms. Unfortunately, those newly infected with HIV often have few or no symptoms. Two to three weeks after becoming infected with HIV, an individual may appear during the sero-conversion of the infection, This is when antibodies may develop after contracting the infection of human immunodeficiency virus. Not everyone infected will get this initial rash symptom and because rashes are common, don't conclude you have HIV if you see a rash.

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Symptoms of AIDS appear in 5 ways: as pulmonary infections, gastrointestinal infections, neurological and psychiatric episodes, tumors and malignancies and other opportunistic infections. Symptoms of AIDS become apparent and more pronounced during the late stages of the disease. Candida is a genus of fungi that includes more than 150 species of yeast. In healthy individuals, Candida exists as a harmless organism with other organisms and bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, skin, mouth, stool, and vagina as part of what is scientifically referred to as "normal flora." The first stage of the disease often called variously as acute HIV infection, seroconversion illness or HIV acute retroviral syndrome. This early stage often show common symptoms like fever, fatigue and skin rash. Some people also experience headache, sore throat and swollen glands for two to four weeks after the infection and generally clear up within two month.

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Those who do have symptoms generally experience fever, loss of appetite and joint pain. Other common symptoms can include sore throat, muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, oral or genital ulcers, nausea and vomiting. Contrary to the belief of some, kissing an individual infected with HIV does not cause you to get HIV. Sharing items suck as razors or toothbrushes might transfer the infection to you especially if you've got an open sore or break in the skin. When examining a patient with HIV, you want to look for weight changes, skin lesions (signs of opportunistic infections), fever. Consider a weight loss of more than 10%. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is the most common cause of fever. Patients may have normal lung function even with active infection. In cases of not treating the symptoms carefully, you will encourage the immune system to become weak and continue to create AIDS. The symptoms experienced by person are often related to the opportunistic infections attacking patients while the HIV seroconversion might not be successful. HIV has surface receptors called glycoprotein 120 and glycoprotein 41. Glycoprotein 120 attaches to the CD4 antigen receptors on the host cell. The virus releases an enzyme called lysozyme which digests part of the membrane, the viral envelope and the host's cell membrane fuse together.

