
Pain caused by injury or strained muscles;

Deep tissue massage is primarily prescribed to reduce the effects of chronic tension and the formation of knots, via alignment of the body's deepest layer of tendons, fascia and muscle tissue. Traditional massage techniques - such as Swedish massage - are applied primarily for relaxation and rejuvenation of the body. In addition, a deep tissue massage can reduce inflammation throughout the body and eliminate painful scar tissue. Deep tissue massage has proven to be very soothing in areas where pain caused by stress and tension is located, such as the shoulders, lower back and neck. Deep tissue massage uses strokes across the grain of the muscles - not with the grain - as in Swedish massage. The more intense movements and techniques used in deep tissue massage such as deep finger pressure may be slightly uncomfortable and cause soreness that lasts a couple of days before resulting in the desired relaxation and pain relief. Deep tissue massage uses some of the same strokes used in traditional massage techniques, but the movement is more deliberate and the pressure used is more intense. Deep tissue massage also works to break down adhesions that form as a result of injury or chronic tension. These adhesions - which are areas of stiff, painful tissue - can limit your body's movements, block circulation and cause inflammation, resulting in pain. Deep tissue massage therapy not only dissolves the adhesions, but also helps to reduce pain and improve your circle of motion. Most people experience some slight pain or discomfort during certain parts of a deep tissue massage, so it is important that you advise your therapist of any such feelings that are beyond a tolerable level so that he or she can adjust their technique. The stiffness or pain you experience during or after a deep tissue massage will subside within 1 - 2 days; during which time your therapist may recommend the application of ice to the affected area. Deep tissue massage therapy has been proven to be more helpful in the treatment and pain relief of diseases such as fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis than traditional methods, such as medication, physical therapy, exercise or chiropractic methods. While traditional massage therapy is administered primarily for relaxation, deep tissue massage is also used to: Decreased mobility; The effects of chronic pain; Pain caused by injury or strained muscles;

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Poor posture; Stress and tension-related muscle spasms. Your massage therapist will probably suggest that you drink plenty of water after your deep tissue massage therapy session to help flush out any toxins that are released as a result of your massage. The release is made possible by the use of more intense pressure by the therapist's hands, fingertips, forearms and elbows to administer the deep tissue massage and he or she may ask you to take deep breaths when targeting a sensitive area. Heavy meals should also be avoided before undergoing deep tissue massage.

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Because of its intensity, deep tissue massage therapy is not recommended for people who: Currently suffers from open wounds, bruises or any type of skin disease; Has recently fractured a bone or had surgery; Is receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy; Experiences blood clots; Is currently pregnant; Has tumors, abdominal hernia or inflammation of the skin.

