
You want to make sure to use a toenail fungus treatment that utilizes a good,

Your feet and ankle can also suffer from arthritic changes and pain. Joint destruction from arthritis can occur due to trauma, poor biomechanics of the foot and ankle and/or hereditary. No feet should be treated without evaluating the biomechanics. Almost all foot problems stem from the biomechanics of your feet. How you walk and the positioning of the foot in stance and ambulation is very influential on the deformities that form. A large amount of forces are absorbed by the feet in many sports, both shearing and loading. Different sports place different demands on your feet though it's not a hard and fast rule. Certain sports like tennis and racquetball put a lot more weight on the ball of your foot. This can lead to capsulitis/metatarsalgia, sesamoidits or metatarsal fractures. Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, if you want to get technical, is a relatively minor affliction. But what makes onychomycosis such a hassle to deal with is that the infection is buried deep in the nail, where it's hard for medication to reach it. But the nail isn't the only thing that can get in the way of your onychomycosis cure. Debris from the infection can also hamper your medicine's access to the fungus. You want to make sure that the toenail fungus treatment you've chosen includes a debrider that helps to strip away this debris so that the medicine can reach the fungus.

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You want to make sure to use a toenail fungus treatment that utilizes a good, strong anti-fungal ingredient. In fact, some products even use multiple fungicides. This isn't a necessary component of a good onychomycosis treatment, but it's certainly a good safeguard against a recurring infection. Treatments that include vitamin E and other nutrients will encourage your nail to grow back healthy and strong, hopefully impervious to future fungal infiltrations. Once you're cured of your onychomycosis, be diligent to keep your toenails trimmed, dry, and clean. Toenail fungus has become an epidemic especially in humid warm climates like Florida. Most people wear toenail polish or closed shoes because they are embarrassed. Blood has to be drawn twice to make sure that there is no liver damage resulting from the medication. So basically there have been no good options for treatment of fungus toenail infections until now. Laser for toenail fungus is now the latest treatment available with success rates being reported upwards of 80%. I have chosen the Cooltouch CT3 plus zoom 1320nm laser after research over the past several years. The bottom line is that lasers produce heat and can lead to death of fungus. I have found that the Cooltouch has excellent control of temperature and produces the most even heating of the nail and underlying skin or nail bed.

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After extensive research and discussions with other physicians, I have developed a new protocol that allows for several additional mechanisms of fungal death. Fungal death can occur by making adjustments to the laser and laser settings. While there is no absolute 100% cure for these infections, laser along with a maintenance program is surely your best option.

