
The new learning industry has soared; the industry is estimated

Man will always have the hunger for information and this characteristic is man抯 finest asset. Man抯 desire for knowledge has led mankind to greater heights. It led to the discovery of electricity, it led the Wright brothers to fly into the skies and it led Neil Armstrong to the moon. By the dawn of the 21st century, a new medium of sharing knowledge has risen; now information is not only limited to books, manuscripts, notepads and other tangible containers. Information and knowledge has been translated to the digital form, the Internet. The Internet has revolutionized the learning industry, hours of researching the Charles Darwin抯 theory of evolution has been made easy. Through the internet Darwin抯 theory of evolution and even his autobiography can be easily downloaded in a few minutes. Research has never been so easy, with the birth of the internet. Best of all the information everyone needs is available 24/7, just type whatever you want to learn about on search engine and information about it is yours in a matter of seconds. Through the internet human connectivity is not only limited to telephone and mobile phone calls. E-mail, web cam, chat are few of the human interaction medium the internet has given man, mix it with learning and all the research study in the internet and you got the latest teaching system. E-Learning is the fruit of using the internet抯 vast information storage and interactivity; it is the latest Technology Enhance Learning or TEL or Web-based learning. This learning system works either through a single instructor guiding students and trainees or through a simulated education course. Through this modern learning system distance learning was made possible, as students and trainees across the globe can simply log in and study what course they want. The new learning industry has soared; the industry is estimated to be worth over 38 billion euros. Student of this new learning system have improved greatly in their performance, according to a 12-year Meta analysis of research of the U.S. Department of Education, that higher education students in online learning generally performed better than those who study in the traditional class room set up. Roughly 3.5 million students were studying in on-line learning at institutions of higher education in the U.S. back in 2006. There has been a 12-14 percent increase per year in enrollments for fully online learning from 2004 to 2009 in the US post-secondary system compared with an average of an estimated 2 percent increase per year in enrollments overall, this is according to the reports file by the Sloan Foundation.

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In 2009 44 percent of post secondary students in US were studying and taking their courses online, and if the growth statistics were maintained this figure would reached up to 81 percent by 2014 according to Ambient Insight Research. Basing on research it can be seen that this modern age virtual classroom learning system will become a predominant form of post-secondary education in the U.S. E-learning has made an impact in the education industry and has been embraced by man as his new way of further educating his fellow men. Through this online learning system, spreading education is no longer hinder by great distance. A new venue where students gather for higher education is set, which is in cyberspace.

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