
The value of rate constant gives an idea about the speed of a reaction. Greater

Experimental determination of reaction rates depends upon the nature of reaction under investigation. Rates, can be conveniently studied by measuring the suitable physical property of the system as a whole or one of the constituent of the reaction. The rate of a reaction may be influenced by a number of factors like concentration of the reactants, temperature of the reactants, nature of the reacting substances, presence of a catalysts and exposure to radiations. When a chemical reaction occurs, the reactants change over to products. It is observed that with the passage of time the concentration of reactants decrease while those of products increase. Now, if we assume that other factors are constant than the rate of a chemical reaction decreases in concentration of the reactants. Cato Gudberg and Peter Waage proposed a qualitative relationship between the rates of reactions and the concentration of the reacting species. This generalization is known as Law of Mass Action. According to this law at a given temperature, the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of molar concentrations of reacting species with each concentration term raised to the power equal to numerical coefficient of that species in the chemical equation. The rate of reaction when the concentration of each reactant is taken as unity is termed as its rate constant. >

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