
Talk about your future goals

The success of a doctor is not only measured through his or her healing abilities. A successful doctor should also possess the skills on how to deal with people. More than anyone else, the patients are sometimes the most difficult people to deal with. It抯 really understandable because their illness stir various emotions within them--fear, pain, and, uncertainty among other things. If a doctor has a good interpersonal skill, he or she would be able to get the cooperation and the trust of the patients. Aside from this, a doctor usually works with other medical professionals. So having good communication and people skills would bring harmony in the work place. It only goes to show that interpersonal skills is a valuable asset in order to gain success in a medical career, especially when the profession involves dealing with patients most of the time. Discussing these skills in your personal statement for medical school is a great way to catch the attention of the admissions committee. Through this, you can make the admissions officers see that you have what it takes to become a good doctor. Below are some tips on writing your personal statement. Think about your experience 揝how, don抰 tell?is what experts recommend when writing a personal statement for medical school. Enumerating your skills won抰 do the trick. To make your essay more effective, you should talk about your experiences where you were able to exhibit your own skills. Surely, you can think of numerous experiences. And because personal statements are supposedly short, you have to include only the experiences that you think influenced your life a great deal. Talk about your future goals Talking about your goals is also an effective way to be able to make the admissions officers see that you are good at dealing with people. You can do this by including short and long term goals related to your planned career, showing that you really want to serve the people and that you will try your best to be the best.

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Avoid bragging Be warned that talking too much about your expertise in dealing with people will make you appear conceited, boastful, and pretentious. Therefore, it is best if you keep a humble tone while discussing your skills. You should highlight your skills, but be careful not to brag about them too much. It is also ,pre effective if, instead of saying "you did this and you did that," you focus more on what you can do in the future that would make your interpersonal skills useful. You really have to exert effort in writing your admission essay because this can make or break your application to med school. You have to make sure that your essay is not written solely to compliment yourself. While it is true that you have to sell yourself to the admissions officers through your personal statement, you have to remember not to overdo it, or else, you risk giving a negative impression of yourself to the admissions panel.

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