
Where most people fail in weigh loss, IS THE CLEAR INABILITY To

As a self help educator, I decided to share one of my powerful techniques with you on how to Lose Weight. This one technique is one I use in my teachings, "Getting Anything You Want In Life". If you truly want to lose weight, read this very carefully. If you have been fighting with your weight for a while, this will probably be the answer. You can look forever for the best diet program, the best diet pill, the best weight loss drink, or even the best doctor to assist you. While some of them may be very successful for you, you will never lose weight unless one thing really happens. That is you need to change your mindset. You need to be mentally ready to lose weight. If you are not mentally ready, no program, pill, drink, or doctor can truly help you. The reason being, any stress or things that may effect your life negatively, can bring you back yo your old habits. How often have you tried to follow a program, or try a diet shake, and it's an excellent program, only to fail at the success of it. There are 2 elements that will make you successful at weigh loss, on a constant bias, no fail. Both must be done to achieve this success. The first is having the right mindset. The second, is to completely finish the program, I will explain both below, and you will fully understand the thinking behind it. The first, as in any goal in life, is to have the desire and the belief, that we can achieve what we want. If the next person can do it, so can you. To lose weight, you need to tell yourself you can do it, and the truth is, you can. You need to meditate for 3 minutes a day telling yourself, I can do this, this is not that hard. Close your eyes and take 3 minutes out of your day for you. You need to see yourself, going through the program with success. You need to visualize yourself already at the weight you want. When you have convinced yourself you can do it, the next step becomes a lot easier. Again, if you are not 100% convinced, or mentally ready, even the best diet program, doctor, shake, or whatever cannot guarantee your success. Now step two.

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Where most people fail in weigh loss, IS THE CLEAR INABILITY TO FINISH WHAT THEY STARTED, TO SEE IF IT WORKS, AND BENEFIT FROM IT'S QUALITIES. They stop to soon, because the results are not there. When going into a diet program, know that you will not see results for a couple of weeks. And really understand that. This way your mind is not expecting, anything sooner. When a person understands the full process involved in something, they don't get anxious when the results they want don't come immediately.

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I can't stress enough the importance of both of the 2 steps I outlined above. I would like to give you a specific example of step 2, getting stressed at something for absolutely no reason. Your sitting at your computer. You sign up to join a website, and the form comes up for you to fill out your information. You start to look for where to put in your name, and immediately get stressed, because you can't find that spot to fill in your name, in a second or 2. Obviously,you need a few minutes to look at where to fill the information in. You can't find things you are not familiar with, in a seconds thought. The point is this. If you knew, or understood, that when the form came up, you need a few minutes to see where to fill in your information, you wouldn't get stressed. This is because, we can't find things as fast as we can think. The same goes for weight loss. If you understand and accept, it will take X amount of days to see any results, then you won't get frustrated on day 5. Understand the mechanics, and process of what you are trying to achieve with your weight. It will change the way you view things. You can lose the weigh you desire. Give yourself a chance and tell yourself you can do it. Remember, only you can convince yourself you can lose the weight. no one else.

