
Industry, farming and gardening, medical treatments,

When confronted with chemicals in water, Many may respond with, Who Cares? The authorities would not let remain what is harmful to us in our water, would they? Anyway we have to drink the water from our taps, do we not? Yes, most of us in this modern world do have to get our drinking water from what is supplied through our faucet taps. But we do not have to continue ingesting the chemicals in tap water that are classed as safe by many bodies connected to the water industry. Many of these manufactured substances can be removed from our water at point of use. Meaning we do not have to be dependent on or subject to what others may credit as being safe to drink, when the realty is there are still residual traces of chemicals that can cause serious problems with our health over time and with continued consumption. A well known phrase is we are what we eat. This has as much if not more impact to what we drink and especially to the quality of the water we are drinking. Our Bodies can survive longer with food deprivation than it can water. Most would agree that to starve ourselves of either is nothing less than foolish because of the subsequent health risks. Throughout the world, considerable time, money and energy is being expended to establishing healthy eating and exercise regimes, all with the view of achieving better health. Concluding that junk food is not the premium fuel our bodies operate best on, is helping many to take another look at their diet. Whether it be sourcing organically grown vegetables or by making use of health supplements many have decided to take control of they ingest.

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How many give it a second thought to what is contained in their drinking water? And yet, there is one simple and affordable change that we can make which can have a significant impact on their efforts to improve their health now and on in to the future. The list given by the Environmental Protection Agency for the United States (EPA) of chemicals in tap water that have to be regulated owing to their prevalence and the harm they can do to those exposed to them is (staggering.mind boggling.}

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Industry, farming and gardening, medical treatments, landfill seepage along with traces of the chemicals that remain after the processes to disinfect the water we drink, are all sources of the chemicals that can be found in the drinking water that comes through our taps,faucet taps depending where we reside. Which is why the EPA and their respective organizations in other countries have have a big challenge in maintaining a standard of water that is drinkable. Despite being able to drink it, this does not mean it is as healthy as we would prefer it to be. Hence the wisdom in installing a point of use water filter. There is a proverb that says it is wiser to sharpen the axe, rather than keep exerting our energies using a blunt axe. To stem the tide of contaminants ending up in our water is an impossible task for us individuals to take on. We don't have enough power. It would be like using a blunt axe, a lot of hard work getting no where fast. Alternatively, providing a quality in house activated carbon water filter is like sharpening the axe. It will achieve the most benefit at the point we desire most, the tap we drink from.

