
How to get to these clubs

Do you want to be involved in some interesting events at your school but do not know how to do this? It is easy. 1. Review the list of clubs and activities at your school. Ask your friends to make a right decision. 2. Make a revision of your interests. Maybe you want to discuss the book you have just read with someone? Or do you want to play volleyball with your peers? Do you want to make new friends? 3. Look through your schedule. Do you have time to participate in extracurricular activities without missing classes? Will you have time to spend with your family and friends outside the school? 4. Think about the position and roles you want play in the club. Do you want to become a president or just a participant or a captain, or a cheer leader? Or maybe you are a good economist? But no matter what you decide all the positions are good and require responsibility. It will teach you a lot of good skills which will help you in your future work and in making a good CV.

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How to get to these clubs At the beginning of the year teachers usually announce a list of clubs and activities. It can happen at the Geography class when a teacher tells about the travelling club. Also you can search for them in school newspaper or on the bulletin board. You do not need to choose at the beginning of the year and can wait till your school schedule stabilizes. When you are opting for the club you should clarify some points: 1. Age of participants. 2. Physical abilities required for this kind of activity.

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