
Goals of Career

Career is wider term, than moving upwards in the hierarchy of positions in one organization. Modern career includes series of different works performed as a result of moving between different organizations. Career needs active management; otherwise you have big chances to fail in it. In contemporary world an employee must be devoted only to his/hers skills, abilities, knowledge and profession, but not to the employer. Considerable part of modern labor market is rather dynamic. Goals of Career

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Each individual must create his/her own personal strategy of career development to succeed in over-competitive labor market. Having realized this strategy you can make right decision. For example, if you don抰 want to do your work or you just don抰 like it, you may just give it up and be happy. Leaving this idea for future isn抰 really good, as you will be free from the work you don抰 like only when you are retired. Career planning has been always important. But nowadays it gained special meaning and nature of career planning and career management has changed a lot. Taking into consideration tendencies of modernizations of relations between managers and staff, the personnel must be more and more responsible. Organization is not fully responsible for management of your career. The situation is complicated by the fact that many people consider career to be just moving upwards in the hierarchy of positions in one organization. But nowadays career motion is mainly characterized by horizontal and diagonal movement inside organization and people have wider choosing possibilities, except but top-managing positions.

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The best time to start your career planning is the time of your education in university. There you gain all the possible knowledge and experience and then you apply them in practice. There is no successful career without its planning. It should be carefully done as your personal success partially depends on your successful career.

