
Are you able to catch the main idea and critical supporting points of these passages?

"How do I know when should I take the TOEFL iBT?" asked one of my TOEFL iBT preparation students. My answer lies in the following questions: Are you comfortable listening to academic conversations and lectures? Are you able to catch the main idea and critical supporting points of these passages?

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Can you take notes while listening to the academic conversations and lectures? Can you use advanced grammar structures in speaking and writing with a high degree of accuracy? Can you consistently read for enjoyment (about 45 minutes a day)? Do you catch the main ideas and critical supporting points of academic reading passages? Are you able to comfortably read at a speed of 200 + words per minute with a 60-80% comprehension? Are you able to concentrate on a reading passages with few distractions? Are you able to accurately summarize academic reading passages without plagiarizing them? Do you comfortably use the context of the sentence when encountering unfamiliar vocabulary words in reading passages? Can you write organized essays based on personal experience, readings, and lectures? Can you regularly speak with native English speakers or fluent non-native English speakers? Are you able to accurately and coherently summarize general reading and listening passages without plagiarizing them?

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Can you speak 100-150 words a minute with clear pronunciation, especially in regards to word stress, intonation, and thought groups and blending? If you can answer yes to a majority of these questions, then you are ready to take the TOEFL iBT. Good luck!

