
A therapeutic massage deals with a person's current

In my many life experiences, my first massage was not all it could have been. Having had more massages than my first one, I realize, it actually is great. I was the subject of a lady who was learning. I worked at a health club and she needed volunteers. I, as the low person on the totem pole, was elected to be it. I had no idea what a therapeutic massage involved. Well, this was no therapeutic massage. I had to put up with the noise of two rowdy little boys while their mother practiced on me! I opted for the clothes-on option! Yes, there is a no-clothes option which involves the subject being nude, but covered by towels and blankets. The more I learn about massage in general, the more differences I find between regular spa and therapeutic massage. A day massage (with a professional rather than an intern) is just to feel good, relaxed, even peaceful. In my learning, I have realized that there are so many massages available, so many techniques, even a pregnancy massage! If only I had known. It is all a very civilized affair. Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. This is done to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being. This became popular in the US in the 1800s and grew in popularity until the 1930s and 40s. The development of modern medicine discounted the benefits of therapeutic massage. It made a re-appearance in the 1960s and 1970s when nurses began to use it to alleviate pain in patients. In the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta massage was deemed a core medical service.

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A therapeutic massage deals with a person's current and past complaints. It is performed in a clinic, hospital or private office, and there is much paperwork and many interviews involved. This sort of massage is very relaxing and deals with frequent, sometimes debilitating, pain. This is not your only massage as a luxury. It is one that will help relieve problems. It is performed up to 3 times a week, which is very frequent for massage.

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A wide range of complaints can be treated such as treat big issues such as fibromyalgia and cancer, pediatric issues such as autism and Down's syndrome. It can also be used to help sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, whiplash, TMJ and posture problems as well as weight issues. The aches and pains of everyday life can be treated also. If you are in pain and seeking relief, you may want to consult your doctor. He/she can refer you to a massage therapist. My sister even seeks acupuncture (a form of massage) as a treatment for her eczema. She lives in Australia, and had many, many issues when she moved there with her husband. She now has a little daughter, her eczema has cleared up, even the scars on her face have diminished. I couldn't believe it. She looks great and is crediting that to her massage therapy. As a mother of three girls who love to dance, I hope their muscles and bones hold up to the impact it may have on their bodies. I know that therapeutic massage will help keep them in condition to dance. This is far more favorable than some of the other options such as shots of hormones and antibiotics!

