
More creative ideas for teaching space and the solar system include:

The mere mention of space and the solar system causes some students to overflow with excitement, while others immediately begin fighting back tears of boredom. Oddly enough, the same thing happens to many teachers. The best way to keep everyone enthused and interested in space and solar system lessons is to put some creativity in the classroom. Comprehensive Lesson One creative idea for teaching space and the solar system is to incorporate the lessons into other subjects. The following are ideas for working the lesson into more than just science: ?Math. Students can calculate their weight on other planets. This will help reinforce the planet names, teach them about the different gravities on other planets, and use math skills. Students can also divide into teams for math races. Instead of scoring points, they move their space shuttle closer to the destination planet. They can also start at Mercury and move all the way through the solar system, with the winning team being the one to get to the end first. ?Reading. Students can read stories about space or that are set in space. There are many stories, fiction and non-fiction, at every grade level that can be used. ?Writing. You can have students write poems or stories about space, the solar system, or specific planets. Creative writing could even involve writing from the perspective of someone from another planet visiting Earth for the first time. ?Art. Students can draw or paint the planets. They can also make mobiles of the solar system or space collages. Specific Ideas More creative ideas for teaching space and the solar system include: ?You can kick off or wrap up the space and solar system lesson with a space-themed party. For drinks, you could serve Rocket-Fuel by either making red punch or buying ready-made fruit punch, or you could serve Tang, the 搊fficial?drink of astronauts. Astronaut ice cream and astronaut candy are readily available for purchase. You could also serve star-shaped cookies. ?Use fluorescent markers or paint to mark the stars of constellations on a bulletin board. Use string, chalk, or a light-colored marker to connect the stars into the shape of the constellation as you tell the students about it. ?A great math-related activity is to have students plot coordinates for constellations on graph paper. The teacher reads the plot points aloud, and students plot them. They finish by connecting the dots to form the constellation.

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?One way to help students understand the size differences in the planets is to relate them to familiar objects. The following is a list of representations that work well: Mercury-a marble, Venus-a walnut, Earth-golf ball, Mars-acorn, Jupiter-basketball, Saturn-soccer ball, Uranus-softball, Neptune-grapefruit, Pluto-bean, Earth抯 moon-raisin. These can also be used for size guides for paper mach?planets, which can be made by teams of students. In addition to these ideas, there are numerous online activities and computer-based games that for teaching space and the solar system. Space and solar system units offer an opportunity to include a great deal of fun and games in the learning process. Teachers who take advantage of that opportunity will have students who enjoy learning about space and the solar system.

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The new learning industry has soared; the industry is estimated

Man will always have the hunger for information and this characteristic is man抯 finest asset. Man抯 desire for knowledge has led mankind to greater heights. It led to the discovery of electricity, it led the Wright brothers to fly into the skies and it led Neil Armstrong to the moon. By the dawn of the 21st century, a new medium of sharing knowledge has risen; now information is not only limited to books, manuscripts, notepads and other tangible containers. Information and knowledge has been translated to the digital form, the Internet. The Internet has revolutionized the learning industry, hours of researching the Charles Darwin抯 theory of evolution has been made easy. Through the internet Darwin抯 theory of evolution and even his autobiography can be easily downloaded in a few minutes. Research has never been so easy, with the birth of the internet. Best of all the information everyone needs is available 24/7, just type whatever you want to learn about on search engine and information about it is yours in a matter of seconds. Through the internet human connectivity is not only limited to telephone and mobile phone calls. E-mail, web cam, chat are few of the human interaction medium the internet has given man, mix it with learning and all the research study in the internet and you got the latest teaching system. E-Learning is the fruit of using the internet抯 vast information storage and interactivity; it is the latest Technology Enhance Learning or TEL or Web-based learning. This learning system works either through a single instructor guiding students and trainees or through a simulated education course. Through this modern learning system distance learning was made possible, as students and trainees across the globe can simply log in and study what course they want. The new learning industry has soared; the industry is estimated to be worth over 38 billion euros. Student of this new learning system have improved greatly in their performance, according to a 12-year Meta analysis of research of the U.S. Department of Education, that higher education students in online learning generally performed better than those who study in the traditional class room set up. Roughly 3.5 million students were studying in on-line learning at institutions of higher education in the U.S. back in 2006. There has been a 12-14 percent increase per year in enrollments for fully online learning from 2004 to 2009 in the US post-secondary system compared with an average of an estimated 2 percent increase per year in enrollments overall, this is according to the reports file by the Sloan Foundation.

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In 2009 44 percent of post secondary students in US were studying and taking their courses online, and if the growth statistics were maintained this figure would reached up to 81 percent by 2014 according to Ambient Insight Research. Basing on research it can be seen that this modern age virtual classroom learning system will become a predominant form of post-secondary education in the U.S. E-learning has made an impact in the education industry and has been embraced by man as his new way of further educating his fellow men. Through this online learning system, spreading education is no longer hinder by great distance. A new venue where students gather for higher education is set, which is in cyberspace.

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So, what are the differentiating factors in student achievement from country

A global study that tests and compares 15-year old students' science, math and reading literacy in developed and developing countries confirms that the United States is still falling behind. The evaluative study entitled Program for International Student Assessment, was first administered in 2000 and was performed again in 2003, 2006 and most recently, in 2009. In a year that has seen constant scrutiny of the United States' education system and persistent discussion regarding the need for education reform; the results of the study serve only to exacerbate concern. And, while the U.S. has made "modest gains" in science and math, U.S. students still shrink in comparison to their 15-year old counterparts around the world. U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, called the results of the study "an absolute wake-up call to America" and urged administrators and lawmakers to deal with "the brutal truth" and "get much more serious about investing in education." With U.S. students ranking 15th in reading skills, 17th in science and 25th (statistically significantly below the average) in math, Duncan and citizens nationwide have cause for concern. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development which proctors the standardized test, found that countries with the highest-scoring students included: China, Canada, Korea, Singapore and Japan. The U.S. has reason to worry. Despite the very modest gains that were made in the world education rankings, U.S. students have continued to score significantly lower than students in a number of other nations since the test's implementation in 2000. In fact, U.S. students are barely ranking above the OECD average in reading and science, and fall well below the average score in math- the most noteworthy problem area. Because of this, tackling under-achievement in the U.S. education system should be a top priority. Not only does under-achievement affect students; the broader reach of under-achievement affects the national economy, global marketplace and larger society as a whole. So, what are the differentiating factors in student achievement from country to country? What helps set one nation apart from the other so divisively? Primarily, countries that have continually performed well on the Program for International Student Assessment place an extremely high value on education and learning. Report the authors of the study "universal high expectations are not a mantra but a reality and students who start to fall behind are identified quickly, their problem is promptly and accurately diagnosed and the appropriate course of actions is quickly taken." Additionally, top-performing countries work hard to train and retain the best teachers, often recruiting the top 5-10% of graduates into the teaching profession. And, while social divisions and social background seem to play a permanent role in quality of education and access to resources and finances in the United States, this is not the case in successful countries (like China and Canada) where traditionally underprivileged students are found to, despite circumstance, perform extremely well.

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The results of the most recent Program for International Student Assessment study confirms, once again, that the U.S education system still has a significant amount of work to do in terms of reform and improving U.S. student's world education rankings.

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STM squared = SM squared + TM squared = Constant. (1)

Einstein described the time dilation of traveling clocks in 1905. The "twin paradox" was first noticed in 1911, when Paul Langevin restated time dilation in the now famous "paradox". Paraphrased, he wrote: "Pam, Jim's twin sister, undertakes a long and fast round-trip in space. On her return to Earth, she finds that her twin brother has aged quite a bit more than herself". It is called a 'paradox' because skeptics argue that after the Pam has reached her cruising speed, she could consider herself as stationary and that it's Jim (on Earth) that rushes away from her at great speed. In such a case, Pam must be aging faster than Jim. This is not the case however, as has been verified experimentally in particle accelerators many times. The solution to the paradox lurks in the fact that Pam has been accelerated for some parts of the trip, while Jim has not. However, experiments have also shown that acceleration does not directly affect good atomic (or biological) clocks. It is only the time that Pam spends traveling at the high speed relative to Jim that determines how much younger than Jim she will eventually be. Einstein's relativity theory demands that space and time should be considered together as an entity called space-time. When Pam and Jim are together and stationary on Earth, they both acquire the space-time movement of their location on Earth. Since they do not move relative to that location, their space-time movements are the same as their time movements (the rate at which they grow older). This acquired rate of space-time movement remains constant for both twins. As soon as Pam moves away from Jim, the change in the rate of her space movement (SM) is "subtracted" from the rate of her time movement (TM) in order to keep her acquired rate of space-time movement (STM) constant. Actually, it is the squares of the rates that are added/subtracted, which can be stated like this: STM squared = SM squared + TM squared = Constant. (1) It is like using the Pythagoras theorem for finding the hypotenuse of a triangle, only in this case the hypotenuse remains constant and the other two legs of the triangle can change, but they must satisfy the theorem.

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While Pam is moving relative to Jim, she retains her rate of space-time movement, meaning that her rate of time movement must come down. Since the values are squared, it does not matter in which direction the movement is; the effect is the same for her outbound trip and her inbound trip. To give some practical values: let Pam travel away from Jim at 60% of the speed of light and turn around after 4 years on her clock. If she returns at the same speed, it is obvious that she would have aged 8 years on her trip. However, she would find Jim to be 10 years older than when she left him, and he will have the birthday cards to show that! This should please Pam?br /> Let's verify the values with equation (1) above: Jim has not moved through space, so for him: STM squared = 0 + 10 squared = 100. Since Pam has moved, we must know how far she has moved according to Jim. At 60% of the speed of light for 10 years, she must have done a total distance of 6 light-years, hence for Pam: STM squared = 6 squared + 8 squared = 100, satisfying the theory. That's it, girls! As Pam has shown, travel keeps you young!

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Once an individual is granted an associate degree,

Recent studies have shown more strongly than ever that getting an associate degree online is one of the smartest investments in the future a high school graduate can make. Traditionally many people have felt that an associate degree is just a stepping-stone to a bachelor degree, but this is quickly becoming the exception rather than the rule. Today's students can get an associate degree online that puts them in the workforce sooner, costs less and is more targeted to their career choice. No Typical Associate Degree Online Student When you look for students who are pursuing an associate degree online, you won't find one person who is "typical." The range of students is astounding, with more diversity by far than you'll find on a traditional college campus. Because of the financial savings and the flexibility of the schedule, there are more non-traditional students in an online program. In any given class, you might find: Working parents who need to study at night or during work breaks and can't attend classes on campus. Military personnel and their spouses, who move around frequently and can't commit to one campus location. Students with disabilities who can work more comfortably and efficiently from home. Those returning to get an associate degree online because they are older and might not feel comfortable in the classroom with students much younger than them. Improving Your Life with an Associate Degree Online The United States census, various educational and government agencies and even financial analysts have been taking a good, hard look at associate degree programs in recent years. When they compared information and statistics they discovered that the advantages of earning an associate degree online were overwhelming: The average difference in salary between a high school graduate and an individual with an associate degree is in the six figures over a lifetime, with the typical difference over a lifetime of working being somewhere around $140,000. Once an individual is granted an associate degree, he or she can typically begin earning about $130 more every week than his counterpart without a degree. For those with associate degrees in computers, engineering or accounting the difference is even greater. Individuals with an associate's degree are far less likely to be unemployed than those with only a high school education. If you then figure in the money saved by pursuing an online degree instead of attending a traditional college, you'll see just how valuable your degree can be. After all, attending an online college means you've:

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Continued to make money by working while you attend classes. Saved money on transportation (whether on gasoline and parking or public transportation). Skipped the investment in activity fees, meals on campus and even additional clothing by studying at home. Is it any wonder that one well-known financial analyst recently referred to the value of an associate degree as a "slam dunk" with massive payback for students? If you want to gain this payback for yourself, check out getting an associate degree online. It's the best way to advance your career with the least financial outlay. You'll see the return many times over.

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If you want to earn an associate degree or diploma,

Though the internet is replete with lots of fake universities, if you exercise a little caution you抣l come across genuine schools which offer online or distance education. Caution is what many people have thrown into the wind and what they抮e reaping is fake certificate from fake and unscrupulous school which offer online or distance education. You must be different. Contrary to popular opinion, you can still get genuine online university distance education. Many people are running away from online education because of the many negative report they抳e come across in the dailies or on the web. The following is a non-exhaustive list of institutions where you can get quality online education. The American InterContinental University The American InterContinental University Online's programs allow people like you to earn their degrees while continuing to work full-time. This means you don抰 have to leave your work before earning a degree from this unique university. The University of Phoenix The University of Phoenix is another world-renowned education online distance university where you can get online university distance education. As an accredited private university, the institution offers tremendous advantages of online education via the Internet. The Art Institute Online Another reputable institution is The Art Institute Online, a division of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The school offers professional certificate, associate and bachelor degree programs in graphic design, digital design, and interactive media design. DeVry University Online If you抮e looking for an institution that is reputable for information technology, the DeVry University Online is your sure bet. It offers bachelor degrees in Information Technology, Technical Management, and Business Administration. The school has enough facility to take care of your needs. Penn Foster Career School If you want to earn an associate degree or diploma, online or by mail, the Penn Foster Career School should be your choice.

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These schools are fully accredited by the relevant authorities. By being accredited, it means they conform to strict rules and regulation of the relevant bodies governing online education. The standards set by these organizations are not easy to attain. Employers believe that anybody having certificates from any of these schools has passed through high standard of education. Hence, accreditation must be your watch word when searching for schools which offer online or distance education. That must be the question any school offering online or distance education must answer. Not all the schools which offer online or distance education are genuine. You must be careful. Many of them claim to give you free certificates for work not done, classes not attended, assignments not done and so on. This is not acceptable and will negatively affect your career in the long run. Hence, you must look before you leap. You can conduct more research for reputable online institutions on the web. Make sure you use goggle, the world renowned search engine. It will give you a lot of result that will help you in your search for good and reliable online university distance education.

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You can seek the admission in finest San Diego Massage School i.e.

It is a fact that massage therapy is considered to be the base of different modern medical treatment techniques. It is one of the chief medicinal techniques that were pronounced in the ancient times. Although in the contemporary world we have achieved significant landmarks in the field of medical science still the worth of primordial techniques cannot be overlooked. They are effective in the same way as they were before. With the help of refined technology it is now possible to make the massage therapy far more efficient to cure numerous stubborn diseases. It is now promising to cure different kinds of illnesses with the techniques of massage therapy which were considered to be impossible even in the dictionary of modern sciences. If you are thinking to achieve a recognizable post as massage therapist then you are very fortunate. This is because presently there is enormous scope available in this field. If you succeed in availing a course or training program from a recognized massage school then there are more chances to establish yourself as a noteworthy therapist. It is imperative that you are proficient enough to understand the anguish of your clients and assess all the techniques and skills of massage therapy available. If you wish to remain outstanding from all the other therapists then it is not possible with knowledge but with practical exposure and application. You can succeed in doing that joining a massage school which not only provides training and exposure to different skills and techniques but something more than that! If you are looking for the same with San Diego Massage Classes then there is one ideal option available for you. You can seek the admission in finest San Diego Massage School i.e. Body Mind College. It is one college in the entire San Diego which is highly popular because of different reasons. Body Mind College has came into existence in the year 1988 and since then it is working tirelessly and consistently offering outstanding students who are highly skilled and specialized in the field of massage therapy. This school offers San Diego Massage Classes that prepare students to take all kinds of challenges in their professional career later on.

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It is a fact that the major purpose of offering message is to provide relaxation to different body muscles, joints, the external skin, tendons and the ligaments. All the parts of the body are soothed in such a way that the concerned client feels extreme relief from stress and different kinds of harassments. As said above, if you are keen to bring perfection in this job then the courses available with Body Mind can do wonders for you. It is not only critically acclaimed but proven as well. To know about different facts and the experiences of the students went for the San Diego Massage Classes of Body Mind College you can visit the testimonials section online. All the experiences and reviews offered are unbiased and authentic. Believe it! After joining the classes offered by this San Diego Massage School you will get in touch with and learn all those things that are not possible to learn with any other massage school.

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So join and bring excellence in yourself now!!

The standards are the highest found in any country in the world

Since 1996, the term "chartered certified accountant" has been used to define a British qualified accountant and is awarded to qualified applicants by the Association of Chartered Accountants. This elite group of accountants, granted Royal Charter by the Queen, specializes in business accounting, management accounting, financial accounting and even forensic accounting, among others. While many choose to take the private business route, others prefer the organized confines of a government agency. Not surprisingly, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, or ACCA, is the world's fastest growing accountancy groups. Currently, there are more than 140,000 members, more than 400,000 affiliates and the association is present in at least 150 countries. The group is headquartered out of London, England and dates back to the early 1900s. It initially began as the London Association of Accountants and its goal was to provide transparency in the financial industry. It was not until 1930, however, that the group was finally given the green light to audit companies. After several merges and reformations, in 1974, the Royal Charter was extended and in 1995, the name that is now known was bestowed onto the association and the elite members were allowed to use the designated Chartered Certified Accountant. The standards are the highest found in any country in the world and current qualifications include fourteen professional examinations, thirty six months of supervised accountancy experience and upon completion of Part 2 of the Professional Scheme, a degree in Applied Accounting is then required from students. The minimum guidelines are quite definitive and unyielding. While there are the occasional exemptions from at least part of the fourteen examinations, students are required to prove their knowledge in financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, company law, financial management, corporate reporting, audit and assurance and financial reporting prior to any exemptions being extended.

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A new syllabus, passed in December 2007 and put into effect right away, updated the qualifications as a result of the accountancy field and its advances. It is not uncommon, and in fact, is even expected, every several years and in accordance with the changes and updates in a global financial market. At one time, examinations were held on an annual basis; now, however, they are held bi-annually and in several countries. It is likely this could change as well as demand dictates from an ever expanding field. Besides the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, legal acknowledgement of the ACCA is left to each country. Members are afforded the option, in those countries that choose not to acknowledge the association, to apply for advanced standing when applicable. And too, there are those countries that don't require this application and simply choose to extend the courtesy. Finally, the ACCA offers its members certain access to those committees that acknowledge the body. The Financial Services Institute of Australasia recently signed a partnership agreement, as has the Institute of Internal Auditors, the Chartered Institute of Taxation and those professional bodies in Canada, the United States and several other European countries.

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Learning components such as project work and team exercises

Flexible learning is all about delivering quality education around the needs of the student who has work and family commitments. The philosophies and theories of flexible learning concern making education accessible to a broad range of students, and enabling students to make the most of the learning in the time frame and course structure that is right for them. Thanks to the technologies of e-learning, such as the virtual learning environment and online degrees, flexible learning is a strong feature of many online courses available to students in full time work. Flexible distance learning suits employers too, because students often find that an online or distance learning course will fit in around their work /family schedule. Furthermore, staff at colleges that offer courses delivered via the flexible learning format will also understand that their students are also professional people. This helps in two main ways ?that teachers of online degrees and flexible learning will recognise that the course needs to be delivered with the student抯 other responsibilities in mind, and that they could be in a career that will both contribute to, and benefit from, their chosen path of flexible learning. Engaging students in the e-learning environment is the key to making sure the technology is accessible, functional and easy to use. This sits comfortably with the philosophy of flexible learning, where focusing learning resources and course work in tune with the professional schedule of the student can achieve better engagement with the online education. Learning components such as project work and team exercises are accessible through flexible learning online courses, thanks to the capabilities of the virtual learning environment. Web based applications can facilitate a range of learning functions that in many ways can have a better impact on student results than a conventional campus based college. So, although flexible learning is not necessarily dependent on a range of web based technologies, when the technology exists to support and develop the delivery of online education, then it can only expand the range of students who may not otherwise find it possible to study for an online degree.

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The future of flexible learning seems to be more and more linked to the development of the virtual learning environment. For instance, distance learning courses now feature a much greater range of learning and study activities thanks to innovations and development of Internet education applications. Yet the self-motivation and discipline attributes of the student remain the same as any learning or education platform for any flexible or distance online learning programme to be of benefit. Studies show though, that employers see flexible learning as a necessary path to increasing their employee抯 skills and knowledge, with a professional attitude to studies already engrained from study-related aptitudes in the workplace. Far from being an easy approach to learning, flexible learning merely exists to support students who would otherwise find it impractical to attend a college in a traditional setting. For employers and staff alike, flexible learning is the education platform of choice.

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As previously mentioned the test has three parts while includes

As you may be very well aware of the Praxis series comes in threes but perhaps the Praxis that has much density among all three is Praxis II. This area gauges the understanding of certain subject matters of the applicant as they were about to teach k-12 students. There are also portions for general and precise teaching abilities and facts to which subject assessments, Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) and the Teaching foundation types are under. There may be various reasons why a person decides to take this test but definitely one of those reasons would include the need to acquire a professional license which most states and even organizations and associations look for as a requirement. You maybe aware that this test could be taken by two options, the first option are the computer-based while the other one is the paper-based examination. Praxis II is the exam included under the paper-based assessment, wherein the testing areas are located in a variety of testing areas all over the region or state. Sine ETS aims to promote standardization and fair-play, in the event that an applicant doesn抰 use English as a main language he is given a non-standard test at a complementary testing area. Test arrangement As previously mentioned the test has three parts while includes, subject assessment portion. This part calculates the subject matter understanding and ability of the applicant, the test is in a multiple-choice and an essay-type format. Next portion goes to the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) examination, this certain portion aims to gauge the academic acquaintance a the four grade levels of the applicant such as early childhood, k-6, 5-9, and 7-12. A case study method was employed in this portion and requires essay type of answers and has multiple-choice answered numbers.

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The last portion is devoted to the teaching foundation test which intends to calculate the academic proficiency of the applicant in the major fields of education such as English, language, arts, science, mathematics, and social science. The questions in this area are answered with an essay and by having to choose a letter from the multiple-choice options that are presented. A sufficient time of two to four hours is given to the applicants who are taking the examination. Coverage of Praxis II

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This portion of the exam has 12 subject matters which the applicant has to pass. And the subject matters are Agriculture with the test number of 0700 and a passing score of 530, business with the test number 0100 and the passing score is 560, English has a passing score of 159 with a test number of 0041, Both the foreign language French and Spanish has a passing grade of 157 with the test numbers 0173 and 0191, respectively. Math Middle level has 148 passing score and a test number of 0069, math secondary has a passing score of 121 with the test number 0061. The subject biology has a test number of 0231 and a passing score of 150 while chemistry has a passing score of just 127 and a test number of 0241. General science has a passing score of 13 and a test number of 0432 while physical science has a passing score of 147 with the test number of 0481. Last subject in Praxis II is physics with a passing score of 112 and a test number of 0261.


Public criminal records come in specifically handy during the hiring

According to public records researchers, no more than 20% of public criminal records are obtainable online. This is perhaps due to the fact that not all states have on the internet listings containing public criminal records. In fact, only 22 states have registries for public criminal records and not all are as detailed as you'd like them to be. The only truly all-inclusive public criminal records database is the FBI database and that is not deemed public record. Only those from criminal justice agencies have the legal right to access those documents. So how does one go about obtaining public criminal records? Well, if you鈥檙e a company and you absolutely must get access to the public criminal records of individuals that you are considering hiring, then the best solution for you would be to contact a private detective agency. You see, even if online access of data is not extensive, a manual collection of public criminal records is quite possible and not only that, it is in fact an integral part of public records research. The best way Essential is Public Criminal Records Research? Every business, vast or small, is vulnerable threats brought by incidents of liability, litigation, legislation, and aggressive competition. Data and forehand know-how of what鈥檚 going on is critical. And for most people, it serves as the first line of defense against incidents that could cause the business to lose revenues. Sometimes, as is regularly the case, mere data is not enough. What businesses need are highly-refined data and analysis that facilitates decision-making. Public criminal records come in specifically handy during the hiring course of action of a future employee. It does not bode well for a company to hire somebody who鈥檚 been recently previously convicted of a criminal offense, particularly if such an offense involves an environment which is relative to the position being offered. The real key is finding a program that has access to this info that is fresh and complete.

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The four Types of Public Criminal Records During the past few years, a different type of pre-employment background check became available. It is called the National Criminal File or NCF. There are actually three NCF directories which spans the whole public criminal records registries of 38 to 50 states. As of today, NCF features over 60 million to 133 million public criminal records in its three databases. Although this exists it's not made offered at any free public access website for everybody to use as they could possibly see fit. The National Criminal File features four various kinds of records which can all be viewed as as 鈥減ublic criminal records.鈥?First on the list are arrest records. These are public criminal records of law enforcement records of arrest. They second type is criminal court records which are public criminal records registered locally, by state or federal. Third are corrections reports. These are public criminal records involving imprisonment for a certain period of time. And the fourth and last type is the state criminal repository records. These are statewide records made up of arrest records, criminal court records, and correction records.

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It is also crucial for you to prepare aptly for Management

MBA education is emerging as the most sought after higher edification alternative in the current epochs of advanced technologies and state of the art gadgets. In the Indian context, the sheer amount of alternatives you can lay your hands on when it comes down to MBA establishments will undeniably sweep you off your feet. Master in Business Administration essentially aims to hone the managerial skills of a student to prepare him for the cut throat and aggressive corporate world. You should also reckon that there are many types of MBA degrees out there; for e.g. Full time MBA, Part time MBA, Executive MBA and Distance MBA (Correspondence course). To find a pertinent and fitting MBA college from the abundance of establishments featured on the web might seem to you as an off-putting and intimidating chore similar to finding a needle in a haystack. Students are allured by the excellent job prospects that MBA degree endows them with. Apart from it the campus life at any MBA establishment is sure to be etched in your mind for like eternity. The state of Karnataka is well known in India for offering world class education to all students. The best place to gain inherent acquaintance and know how about the MBA colleges in Karnataka is of course the World Wide Web. It is also advisable for you to decide a specialization after analyzing your penchants and dislikes. It is also crucial for you to prepare aptly for Management entrance exams such as: - CAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT, etc. This is because high scores in such exams will make certain that you can pursue discipline of your choice in a establishment that appeals to your penchant. Bangalore is a cool city to study your Management course in. the lively milieus and the wonderful climate will surely sweep you off your feet.

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Some of the top notch MBA colleges in Bangalore are: - IIM-Bangalore, The Oxford Educational Institute, Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences (AIMS), Institute of Business Management & Technology (IBMT), IFIM Business School, Alliance Business Academy, Indian Business Academy, PES Institutions, East West Group Of Institutions, Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies (RIMS), and a lot more. Chennai is the capital city of Tamilnadu and boasts of some immense infrastructure and awe inspiring MBA establishments. Some of the renowned and distinguished names when it comes down to MBA colleges in Chennai are: ? Great Lakes Institute of Management, Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Indian Meritime University (IMU), Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-MA), ITM Business School, Chennai Business School (CBS), Academy of Maritime Education & Training, Jansons School Of Business (JSB), SRM University, etc.

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California has operated its school accountability

A large part of the country抯 education systems have long looked to California Schools to demonstrate what works in education. While many California Public Schools are indeed exemplary, there are also many that are struggling. In 1999, the state of California decided that it needed to take a closer look at these struggling schools, and that these California Schools needed help to overcome their problems. The California Schools in question shared one common characteristic - a relatively high level of student poverty. Many but not all of them have high percentages of students who were English learners and/or Hispanic, a statistic that has been correlated with student poverty. Most have very small populations of white students. These troubled California Schools tended to be larger than average and were much more likely to be on a multitrack, year-round calendar. This type of school calendar allows the school in question to serve a greater number of students by being open all 12 months of the year; with some California Schools teachers and classes sharing rooms with those who are off on a break. In terms of staffing, these California Schools had a much higher proportion of teachers not fully credentialed and were also more likely to have a high percentage of first- and second-year teachers. Principals of the California Schools in question were surveyed to determine the differences in the challenges faced by their particular schools. School district officials were also able to provide more information. California has operated its school accountability system for nine years now and the average API (Academic Performance Index) scores for all schools have risen. Elementary schools have shown the most progress. However, as a whole, elementary level California Schools have faced greater challenges than their middle- and high-school counterparts. On average, they had either similar or more challenging proportions of English learners and students living in poverty. School sizes are modestly large and the proportion of fully credentialed teachers is somewhat lower than middle- and high-school teachers working in California Schools.

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While there many changes that need to be made to improve the quality of California Schools, it is indeed heartening to see that the state抯 board of education is up to the challenge of helping schools make the improvements needed to produce successful and vital members of tomorrow抯 society.

By the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War in 1775,

Unfortunately there are many controversies surrounding the creation of the first American flag. At the center of these controversies is a woman named Betsy Ross. Read more about the design of the first American Flag in American History magazine. The story of Betsy Ross making the first American flag for General George Washington probably entered into the American conscious about the time of the 1876 Centennial celebrations, according to research. In 1870 Ross's grandson, William J. Canby, presented a paper to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in which he claimed his grandmother had sewn the first flag of the United States. The historic episode supposedly occurred in late May or early June 1776, a year before Congress passed the Flag Act. Canby抯 account gained wide circulation; however independent research throughout the years has failed to establish documented proof. Many historians doubt its authenticity. Read more about the controversies surrounding Canby抯 paper in the Smithsonian magazine. Although it is known that Betsy Ross made flags for the government during the American Revolution, no conclusive evidence exists that she made the national emblem adopted by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. Betsy Ross was born Elizabeth Griscom in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 1, 1752. After she finished her education at a Quaker public school, her father apprenticed her to an upholsterer named William Webster. While working for Webster Betsy Ross fell in love and eloped with fellow apprentice John Ross. Shortly after their marriage the young couple started their own upholstery business; they later had two children. By the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War in 1775, the Ross抯 were struggling financially and so John Ross joined the Pennsylvania militia; he was killed in January 1776. After his death, Betsy Ross joined the "Fighting Quakers" which, unlike traditional Quakers, supported the war effort. It was during this time after her husband death that Betsy Ross according to her family history, that she met with George Washington and two signers of the Declaration of Independence, George Ross and Robert Morris, at her upholstery business to discuss the sewing of the first United States flag.

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While evidence of this meeting is insufficient, there is enough hard evidence that shows Betsy Ross did make flags for the government; this hard evidence includes a receipt for the Pennsylvania Navy in May 1777. Ross continued working in her upholstery business, including making flags for the United States of America, until 1827. After the death of her second husband, Joseph Ashburn, she married John Claypoole in 1783; the couple had five daughters and was married until 1817 when Claypoole died. After her retirement, Ross抯 daughter continued to operate the upholstery business. Ross died in Philadelphia on January 30, 1836, at age 84. Despite the shaky evidence that Betsy Ross was the first sewer of the United States flag, the United States Postal Service issued a stamp in 1952 to honor the 200th anniversary of her death. The stamp portrays Betsy Ross presenting a flag to George Washington, Robert Morris and George Ross.

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And, you will have the opportunity to increase your knowledge

The meticulous and rigorous world of accounting is the backbone of business finance. At the very basic level, accountants provide basic bookkeeping services to businesses. These services involve keeping records of every financial transaction the business makes, then using those records to assemble financial statements like income statements and balance sheets. These records can then be used to prepare taxes, which is another fundamental accounting service. But, accounting provides so much more than simple bookkeeping services to businesses. ?Financial planning ?Business valuation ?Tax planning ?Auditing services These are just a few of the services that accountants provide, which can enhance, and are sometimes essential to, a business?success. When you attend Strayer University Accounting Program, you will learn the diligent craft of tracking business expenses and income, and utilizing those numbers to assess its financial status. Your education at Strayer University will enable you to provide businesses with an indispensable service, and upon graduation you will have the skills you need to help people manage and strengthen their financial condition. Strayer University Accounting Program Strayer University Accounting Program is a Master of Science degree with a focus in Public Accounting. It is specifically designed to better prepare students to take the Certified Public Accountant certification and CPA Exam, and to deliver specialized training that will place you in the top of your field as an accountant seeking positions in the professional industry, nonprofit or government sectors. When you attend Strayer University Accounting Program, you will study principal CPA exam subjects including: ?Regulation ?Business Environment ?Auditing ?Financial Accounting ?Reporting And, you will have the opportunity to increase your knowledge and understanding in areas such as: ?Taxation ?Public Accounting ?Controllership ?Accounting Information Systems

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Furthermore, Strayer University Accounting Program offers its students a professional CPA exam review course, which guarantees that you will receive the best guidance possible before taking the test. Strayer University Locations Strayer University offers classes and degrees in over 65 campuses, as well as online. Strayer University provides its students with: ?Accommodating schedules ?Expert faculty and the latest, most effective curriculum ?Excellent student support and financial services ?Credit for previous experience in work, life, equivalency exams and education ?Job referrals, career information, resume assistance and other career development aids Designed to meet the needs of working adults and the nontraditional student, Strayer University provides flexible class schedules as well as an extensive network of student account representatives, academic advisors, technical support staff and admissions officers who will provide you with the support and guidance that you need to ensure you are successful in you academic endeavors.

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After the application form is submitted, it is forwarded

Working in a prison service is not a very easy job to do. It is one of the most unusual career choices and at the same time it is extremely challenging and rewarding. Everyday work is not the same and you will be challenged to bring out the best in people. If you are hunting for better career choice then you can consider joining prison service. Apart form being a prison officer, there are many other prison services, such as, psychologist, healthcare personnel, chaplaincy, and industrial professionals. Prison services offer a wide variety of work and it is not restricted to only being prison officer. The selection process for each post is not the same and it will differ as per requirement and eligibility. The selection process for a prison officer requires you to fill out an application form along with a skill assessment form. The skill assessment form is important as it sets certain criteria that have to be fulfilled by the applicant. If the applicant has a background or work experience in the army or has been a security officer then it is an added advantage during the selection process. The skill assessment form consists of several scenario based questions. These questions test the applicant's approach towards the given scenario. The applicant has to describe what he or she would have done in those situations and why did they do so. It tests them on moral grounds too.

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c After the application form is submitted, it is forwarded to the stage where they are sifted. The sift stage happens during the last week before the application date ends. The sift panel has two members who perform the sifting in a structured method. All the applications are checked for minimum eligibility requirement. If the applicant has given an assessment test then the information provided by the applicant is evaluated too. Applicants who meet the necessary requirements are called to take the Prison Officer Selection test.

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The Prison Officer Selection test consists of language and numerical. It is not necessary for the applicant to be knowledgeable with any prison work. Once the applicant passes the test he or she is called to attend the Job Simulation Assessment Center. This is the next stage of the selection process. In case the applicant does not pass in this test then they will be notified and requested for a feedback. The advantage of prison service is that in case the applicant does not pass the test they are allowed to enroll again after six months. The Job Simulation Assessment Center tests the applicant's interpersonal skills that are required for the prison officer's role. In this test, the applicant will have to take part in four role play simulations. Each role play lasts for 10 minutes, they are mock role plays but these are real situations that are faced by prison officers. The final tests that follow are medical and physical fitness tests. After the application form is submitted, it is forwarded The applicant must be reasonable fit as prison officials are required to be in good health and have a good fitness level. The appointment stage is the final stage where the applicant is hired to the prison service.

For the student who is attempting to understand the subject,

Statistics are such an integral part of modern lives that sometimes it isn't realized. The prediction of the winner of a presidential race or the local mayoral contest depends upon inferential statistics, one of the two main branches of statistics. The other branch of statistics is that of descriptive statistics. This is how to determine which baseball player in the American League had the best batting average in a single season. The information which is available on the internet today probably exceeds that of any other time in history. Research is possible and for those who enjoy sports or for whom sports betting are a recreational activity, they certainly use statistics in arriving at decisions as to which team to back or which horse to bet on. For others, it's important to understand where to find help with statistics in order to make good decisions based on the information which is collected and categorized. Statistics help can be obtained from many different places and in many forms. Probably the most important decision to be made in pursuing decision based on statistics is where to find the raw data. Advanced sampling techniques assist in many studies, but it's important to understand that a poor sample means results are not dependable. For the student who is attempting to understand the subject, they can find help in textbooks, on line classes or through a tutor. The level of instruction ranges from very simple explanations to assistance in preparing for advanced examinations which require statistics understanding. For anyone in business, a basic statistics class is a great idea. It will give you an understanding of how to go about gathering information, categorizing it and how to use it to answer common business questions. If you need statistics help just to have an understanding of how various types of statistical gathering works, classroom or textbook learning is probably the best way to approach the subject. Of course, you will have a significant amount of time and learning involved in understanding the basics.

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Another way to get statistics help is to hire a consultant to do the work that you need to have done. This solution is inconvenient at best, and sometimes expensive, plus it may mean almost as much work determining that exact information which is needed as it will to go ahead and complete the project for which you need the information. If you must determine where to find the qualified consultant and gather the information needed to coordinate the project, you may still need to spend time in ensuring that the consultant understands the nature of the question you need answered. Another alternative for obtaining statistics help is through the software programs and spreadsheet programs now available for computers. Most of the spreadsheet programs have statistical functions built in for such things as standard deviation, averages, median of a range and some of the other more common formulas. Most of these formulas also have a help feature which will explain the functions in enough detail so that you can determine how to accomplish the capturing of the information which you require.

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Online education in UK is a modernized and enhanced

Education is the basic need of everyone and it is the base to build up the edifice of achievement. Knowledge empowers one to earn excellence and only then success comes to one's grip. But what will happen to them who had to discontinue their education due to some unavoidable circumstances? They take an early entry into the job market and for the rest of their life they lament over not continuing their education. Online education is specially designed to provide the facility of earning advanced education to those who are eager to study but can not get their names registered into the brick and mortar institutes due to the time constraint. Online education in UK is a viable option for the professionals to add advanced degrees to their resumes without taking long time furlough from the job. Having a computer and internet connection are the only requirements to avail the online education. The students no longer need to travel to the land-based institutions rather the online educational sites are coming to the reading rooms to educate them. It is a unique facility of accessing education in sync with one's times and needs. The course structure is same as that of the regular educational program but the major difference is the online education is flexible in nature whereas the conventional studies is characterized by the stringent rules and regulations. Online education in UK is a modernized and enhanced format of the UK distance learning program. It is very amazing that the barrier of distance evaporates magically in the off-campus learning. Distance learning hardly provides the learners with any scope of interaction with the guides. Once or twice a year, a doubt clearing session is arranged to solve the puzzles of the learners. But the facet of an innovative interaction is the part and parcel of the online education. The students can converse with their mentors as well as the fellow mates by chatting via net. One more advantage of the online learning is that everyone even if he is residing in the remote zone can have instant access to the online education.

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The UK distance learning provides an array of options to impart training to the enthusiast candidates. It is a self-study mode of learning and you can collect course materials via mail or study with help of video conferencing and several other convenient mode of communications. Video conferencing is not a narrow concept and encompasses a wide array of aspects such as video teleconferencing, visual collaboration and many other equally or more fascinating options. It is pretty much same as audio conferencing except the fact that it does not provide one with any visual. This audio and video conferencing are undoubtedly appealing features of the online education. The audio conferencing learning facility lets one access the recorded instructions whereas the video conferencing provides an added opportunity of hearing the discussion as well as watching it. Online library makes one flip through the pages of the course contents and books too. So, if you

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If we do need to clarify certain matters, we should readily

When we are looking to do a bit of online shopping, we should bear in mind that we will not only be shopping for all the items that we wish to get, we are also shopping for the right designer store. Suffice it to say that our choice on an online store can spell a huge difference between enjoying our shopping experience with the convenience of online shops, and a disastrous shopping activity where snags such as delays in delivery, issues with online payments and getting items in poor condition dominate the scene. So before we start our online shopping activity, we should not only check for the condition of the items but also the shopping conditions or stipulations a certain online store has in place. Online Security First of all, we should consider security measures that a specific designer store has in place. We have heard it often enough that identity theft, credit card fraud and other criminal activities by certain unscrupulous individuals have been making the rounds online. Unsuspecting victims suddenly find themselves being billed by purchases they never made, among other things. We should therefore extensively research on the background of online shops we have picked. Getting recommendations from people we know and trust who have had pleasurable online shopping experiences from particular stores is a starting point in choosing the right designer store. Hidden Charges, Terms and Conditions By carefully reading the fine print of stores' Terms and Conditions, we can find out whether or not shopping in a particular online shop is a viable option for us. Checking for shipping and delivery charges, terms that will allow us to enjoy free shipping and delivery, and returns policies will ensure that we will not run into any hassles once we have purchased items that we like. If we do need to clarify certain matters, we should readily ask our questions through the shops' Customer Support section and keep on asking, never mind if we seem redundant, until we get a satisfactory answer. Discount Shopping

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Now the most crucial part is finding a designer store that can give us great items at affordable rates. There are a good number of designer items being offered during clearance sales and these can range from designer clothes and accessories, to designer shoes and every other imaginable designer item that we can think of. Usually, designer labels that are offered at discounted rates in land-based designer outlets are tagged at even lower prices once they find themselves being sold online. So we can easily find designer items sold up to 70% off its original price! We need only to be patient as we browse through designer shops since it is only through comparing specific brands from different stores can we find a truly great bargain. We can also check-out auction or second-hand designer shops online where most designer accessories like watches, belts, bags, eyewear and even shoes are sold. Items sold here are still in mint condition so it's like we're getting a new item at a price that we can easily afford.

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About Distance MBA programs:

MBA from distance is one of the most coveted courses for the aspiring students. Those who are not able to enroll in regular courses are choosing MBA by distance programs. The placements of students in various prestigious institutions with eye popping salaries are driving students to seek this lucrative opportunity to further their career graph. MBA from distance in India are introducing opportunities for several thousands of students and professionals who are unable to seek a full-time classroom course. One of the major lines of differences between distance learning and full time courses is that of class contract hours. MBA by distance is slowly becoming more popular for one simple reason, as it is flexible and can be suited according to one抯 schedule. Individuals can opt for MBA distance courses from various universities nestled all across India like Punjab Technical University, Maharishi Dayanand University, and Karnataka State Open University. Eligibility for Distance Learning MBA programs: The eligibility criteria for getting enrolled to the distance learning MBA programs may vary from one institution to another in India. The most general requirement is that all students who are wishing to pursue MBA from distance must have an undergraduate degree in any discipline with a fair percentage of marks. Students who have successfully completed their BBA programs have an added benefit. Individuals pursuing a diploma course in management studies are also eligible to apply for admissions after their course completion. MBA is right for all kinds of people as long as they display management talent and a track record of fair performance, which are also the two things employers seek in new MBA hires. About Distance MBA programs:

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For students who are trying to seek MBA by distance learning should know that the main objectives of the course includes developing leadership qualities, ability to listen, and to implement client devotion tempered by staunch independence. It offers strong foundations of management education to make them capable to market themselves. Distance MBA courses will help you to become an expert in your line of work, enabling you to stay well ahead in the corporate world by learning new business procedures and methods. MBA prospects: Students who are able to successfully complete their MBA by distance courses are open to a world of opportunities. Employees who are already employed can choose to further their career and are assured a fast track growth if pursuing this course. You also get an opportunity to set up your business and become a leader in any emerging fields. Thus apart from allowing you to educate in your own time and pace MBA learning also improves your employment options. You have a sea of opportunity including top level management positions in various companies, consultancy, and research studies as well.

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Take the MBA program as a challenge by deciding on your personal and career objectives. Utilize the Masters of Business Management courses for bridging gaps lying within your skills and qualifications for furthering your career graph.


India is a developing country. 40% of its youth still remain illiterate and hence forth remain unemployed. Unemployment is a big drawback in the all round development of the country. Youth has immense potential to make the impossible into happening. And due to the technology based infrastructure world wide it becomes completely unavoidable to rely on just hands of labor. World works on white collar job. So if the major chunk of the youth of a country remains illiterate it becomes a big loss of the development of the country as a whole. Indian government is trying its level best to impart world class education to the uneducated and hence by strengthen its back bone. Of the various modes of education residing in India, free online learning in India has definitely become a requirement of the time. More about Education in India Dictionary meaning of education refers to the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at a school or similar institution. And it is this education through which you become capable of working, dedicated to a particular field and hence by adding to its development in particular and country as a whole. The classroom study is still the main stream of education in India. But due to its highly demanding support infrastructure, it isn抰 capable of imparting education to every single child of India. To fulfill the demand of time India has adapted, successfully, several other modes of education of which free online learning has swept India of its feet completely. Complete Details of Free Online Learning in India Other modes of distance learning are also there but in India free online learning has scored more brownie points of the rest to its better mode of interaction with its pupils. In case of India Free online learning is basically an out of the classroom mode of study where course materials can be assessed either via online program or the CDROM assessment program. The courses are all imparted via graphics, voice messages and literature part. And hence by it becomes easier for understanding. Merits of Free Online Learning in India Economically free online learning in India becomes more money saving than classroom programs. Also you save your cost of commuting and staying in a PG. you can customize your learning according to your available time. So free online learning becomes more famous amongst the working youth of India. Moreover if you can抰 understand a particular information you can go through it innumerable number of times without upsetting anybody. The examination appearance rules are not dependent upon your attendance and also you can reschedule your exam dates upon your priority basis. The animations and the voice based literatures are extremely user friendly so you need not worry at all of not understanding the course material. Also your assignments are checked and queries solved online helps you to assess yourself much better. For further queries and knowhow of free online learning in India- go through the several websites that will flood you with information.

India is a developing country. 40% of its youth still remain illiterate and hence forth remain unemployed. Unemployment is a big drawback in the all round development of the country. Youth has immense potential to make the impossible into happening. And due to the technology based infrastructure world wide it becomes completely unavoidable to rely on just hands of labor. World works on white collar job. So if the major chunk of the youth of a country remains illiterate it becomes a big loss of the development of the country as a whole. Indian government is trying its level best to impart world class education to the uneducated and hence by strengthen its back bone. Of the various modes of education residing in India, free online learning in India has definitely become a requirement of the time. More about Education in India Dictionary meaning of education refers to the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at a school or similar institution. And it is this education through which you become capable of working, dedicated to a particular field and hence by adding to its development in particular and country as a whole. The classroom study is still the main stream of education in India. But due to its highly demanding support infrastructure, it isn抰 capable of imparting education to every single child of India. To fulfill the demand of time India has adapted, successfully, several other modes of education of which free online learning has swept India of its feet completely. Complete Details of Free Online Learning in India Other modes of distance learning are also there but in India free online learning has scored more brownie points of the rest to its better mode of interaction with its pupils. In case of India Free online learning is basically an out of the classroom mode of study where course materials can be assessed either via online program or the CDROM assessment program. The courses are all imparted via graphics, voice messages and literature part. And hence by it becomes easier for understanding.

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Merits of Free Online Learning in India Economically free online learning in India becomes more money saving than classroom programs. Also you save your cost of commuting and staying in a PG. you can customize your learning according to your available time. So free online learning becomes more famous amongst the working youth of India. Moreover if you can抰 understand a particular information you can go through it innumerable number of times without upsetting anybody. The examination appearance rules are not dependent upon your attendance and also you can reschedule your exam dates upon your priority basis. The animations and the voice based literatures are extremely user friendly so you need not worry at all of not understanding the course material. Also your assignments are checked and queries solved online helps you to assess yourself much better. For further queries and knowhow of free online learning in India- go through the several websites that will flood you with information.

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Combination public sewers are the oldest variety of the three type

Practically all municipalities with populations of more than 2,500 maintain systems of sewage disposal consisting of a sewage treatment unit of either activated sludge or filter type and a system of sewers installed below the streets by which the raw sewage is conveyed to the disposal plant or unit. In recent years health authorities have realized more than ever before, that the source of drinking water must be protected against contamination caused by the discharge of large volumes of domestic and industrial sewage into it. With the aid, in some instances, of federal grants, this phase of sanitation has progressed rapidly within the last ten years. The installation of public steam enclosures doesn't necessarily involve a plumber. Residential steam showers and steam rooms, however, are a new field into which he may easily be fitted. As far as the installation of public sewers and disposal units is concerned he does not play a very active part. The work, especially that of constructing concrete and vitrified clay sewers, usually is done by semi-skilled labor or by workers trained in this field. The plumber does, however, use the public installation as a terminal for private plumbing systems, and it is quite necessary that he should be familiar with the public system, at least to the extent of being well-informed. It is quite essential, too, that he know the various types of sewers and the principles involved in construction and operation of a modern disposal plant. There are three types of public sewers, each classified according to the kind of wastes it is required to handle. Combination public sewers are the oldest variety of the three types of sewers and they are required to carry storm and sanitary wastes to some safe terminal. These sewers are obsolete, but still make up a large part of public sewage systems. Rain water should be carried to some terminal not associated with the disposal plant, because large quantities of water affect operation and necessitate an exceptionally large installation to handle it.

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Water from your bathroom, from either the toilet or the bathtub can go here. Bathtub paint tends to cause some problems with drains so make sure you keep up with glazing. Sanitary sewers are those which are required to carry domestic sanitary wastes only. All rain water must be excluded from them. The terminal of these sewers is a modern sewage disposal plant. Combination and sanitary sewers generally are placed about ten feet under the street grade and usually are found below the center line of the street. Storm sewers are a comparatively new installation, made necessary because of sewage treatment. These sewers are made to carry only storm water and may terminate at any natural drainage area. Although these are meant for large quantities of water, you cannot dump water from your swim spa or hot tub, because the hot tub chemicals need to be disposed of properly. This type of system drains into natural reservoirs and any water that did not come from the sky is contaminated.

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Acing your MBA personal statement

Especially in these times of stressful and competitive professional world, a graduate degree is important to get ahead or stay ahead. And whether you are in the corporate world or not, an MBA degree is one the most rewarding and wide-ranging graduate degree that would certainly be useful to your career. However, an MBA degree program is also one of the most difficult academic programs available. That is why the admissions committees of various business schools always make sure that only those that are likely to finish the program will get admitted to their respective schools. MBA requirements and tips To ensure that only those fit to obtain an MBA degree will be admitted to schools that offer an MBA degree program, a good number of admissions requirements are set for the prospective applicants. First of these is the prospective applicant抯 score in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), a standardized test in mathematics and English language to measure the applicants mathematical, analytical, and communication skills. The undergraduate transcript of records and the applicant抯 work experience are also important. The requirements that are used to see if the applicant has the personality and characteristics fit for undergoing an MBA degree program are the MBA personal statement, personal interview, and the letters of recommendation. Seeing the numerous requirements, one may think that it is indeed difficult to apply for an MBA degree program. However, these numerous requirements may also mean that you can excel in one requirement or at least make your application look good in front of the committee, especially if you think your academic records or your GMAT score is not good enough. Acing your MBA personal statement It may be too late to make your undergraduate grades or even your GMAT score look good, but your MBA personal statement would be something else. Your admission essay will be your voice to the admissions committee, telling them how you fit into their program. You can cite previous experiences that show the good qualities of an MBA student in you. Asking MBA alumni for help

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Of course, you can抰 always make an effective admission essay all by yourself. You will need some help if you really want to make an excellent MBA personal statement. One group of people that can help you with your write-up would be the alumni of the MBA degree program that you are targeting to enroll in. They can share with you what they think are the qualities that the admissions committee will be looking for. Some may even tell you about their own essays that got them into the school. Soliciting the help of the alumni of the MBA degree program that you want is not new, for generations and generations of students have done this in many ways. Other tips from the alumni Aside from their help with your admission requirements, they can also give you a brief background of the program, the faculty, the school, and the community. That would prove useful, especially if you get admitted to the program.

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Online courses help you to manage work

Owning a business is not an easy task these days. It never actually was. Hard work is very much necessary to make a business successful. One of the most important keywords which are required for a good business is management. People tend to fail in business because they lack proper management skills. If you are interested in business management then you can easily take up a course on this subject. There are various universities and associations which can help you have a better idea about business management courses. These associations usually offer different ways with the help of which you can have proper solution to your business queries. They offer training through seminars, books as well as webcasts. Management seminars are a great way to achieve professional development. You will find various institutions in the United States of America which can offer you training regarding business management. The trainings available are tailored for your business needs. There are various benefits of the management seminars and this is the reason why more and more people are moving into these courses. You can take up these courses on campus or even online. You can sit and home and attend the project management seminar which can help you a lot in your future endeavors. If you choose the online courses then you can watch and listen to the lectures at any point of time in the day. Online courses help you to manage work as well as your studies together. The business management courses usually cover different kinds of subjects. Management seminars also deal with a wide variety of subjects. They even help you find out ways to manage your anger and stress which is quite common in this field. Other than this, it also provides training regarding style, assertiveness and resistance. These seminars are a great way to improve the mentality as well as the personalities of people who want to join business management in their future. The management seminars are so enriching that they are almost an experience of the lifetime. The future managers can explore their potentialities as well as capabilities for their future job.

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Other than the institutions there are various other well known companies which offer these kinds of trainings to their employees. Employee training is the part and parcel of any company but they might not take individual care which is possible in these institutions. If you want to enter the business field then it is very important for you to make sure you have proper leadership qualities. These training courses can help you bring out those qualities from inside you and help you utilize them in your practical life. Choose the best employee courses available in these institutions so that you can learn to become the best employee of your company. Some of the options which are provided by these institutions are research and white paper, classroom seminars and online seminars live, blended options for learning, webinars and webcasts and onsite solutions for all interested candidates.

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Apart from the regular school subjects, organizations

A student is as good as the teacher that endows him with the light of knowledge. According to the new online tutoring model the teacher does not even have to be in physical proximity to the pupil! Welcome to the world of tutor outsourcing and the latest outsourcing destination sector, India. Although e-tutoring is the new kid on the block, the model seems to be catching up fast and is expected to grow into a full fledged industry in the coming times. Tutor outsourcing is on the rise so much because of factors such as: low costs of operation and thus less prices for the end consumer; availability of a tutor at any time of any day; seasoned teachers who are well trained for online tutoring etc. Tutor outsourcing is not a new domain actually, it has been happening for quite some time now. Only till now it was restricted to less effective online chats and voice calls over the internet messengers. Now it has grown into a more organized profession with many innovative companies like TransWebTutors(transwebtutors.com) leading from the front. The model now uses technology driven solutions like online blackboard software, VOIP enabled calls, trained teachers for online tutoring. The range of subjects being taught has also widened. Subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, English, computer science, algebra, geometry, which had been nuances for students giving them sleepless nights are easy to tackle now, with help just a mouse click away. Apart from the regular school subjects, organizations like TransWebTutors also run online tutorials for exam preparations like SAT Prep, SAT, ACT, AP, and GED etc. Companies like these source and train experienced and passionate teachers from low cost regions like India and then these teachers help the students sitting miles away at places like America and Europe to complete their homework, finish assignments on time, develop research projects or simply learn the basics of a subject!

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Indian teachers have been particularly in demand for some time now due to their accepted acumen in subjects like mathematics, physics, statistics etc. They are also believed to be good at solving problems related to subjects like logical reasoning. A majority of students securing high marks in the exams like GRE, SAT etc belong to India. Thus the brand India has been truly shining around the globe now. This type of online tutoring is very effective due to the undivided and individual attention the student gets and that too according to his convenience. If a student has an exam tomorrow morning and he has butterflies in his stomach, he can simply log onto the site of an online tutor and get the last minute tips and help anywhere, anytime. This is called 24X7 tutoring! Online tutoring is here to stay and the future of education industry will be online classrooms. It will evolve into such a model and size that may totally wipe out the traditional class room learning! Countries like India are sure to gain tremendously from this online model and this time the Americans are for sure not complaining about outsourcing!

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A big scientific research is being conducted now.

There is a quickly growing trend out there, and if you haven't yet heard about it, you will soon. As more and more people look for the best ways to get their body to a healthy place, holistic treatments are gaining steam. Individuals are figuring out that there are some really nice ways to improve your health that don't involve waiting around in a doctor's office or purchasing expensive pills. What are these measures? Specifically, people are trying out Ayurveda to change their approach significantly. Most people are trying to achieve Panchakarma, a state where their body is in complete harmony. They are doing this by getting Ayurvedic massage treatments and full body workouts. The idea is to promote relaxation of the highest order. When most folks think about getting a massage, they are intent on getting rid of their stress and also relieving some of the pain in their muscles. Ayurveda Schools Ayurveda training is founded on the principles of preventing disease, treating disorders, and bringing the body into balance. Ayurveda schools educate students about ayurveda sciences, which are comprised of many alternative health sciences, but focus primarily on Ayurvedic techniques and practices. Ayurveda school tuitions range between $1,000 and $2,000 per semester. Ayurveda school certification takes approximately one to two years to complete on a part-time basis. There are currently no licensing requirements for Ayurveda practitioners, however a group of practitioners and instructors are in discussions to create state and national professional associations focused on licensing and certification requirements of Ayurveda practices.

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A big scientific research is being conducted now. This research confirms the hypothesis of ancient doctors about the ageing processes in the organism, which lead to different diseases. Research is being conducted in the area of oncology and allergology, the methods of controlling allergic reactions and stimulating the immune system are being studied. Study shows that ancient science, which was mostly led by intuitiveness, came to the same conclusions. Modern scientists with Western education use the knowledge of Ayurveda, after adapting it to the modern circumstances. For example, different herb preparations are created more efficiently by using herb extracts, instead of pure herbs. Alternative health techniques and complementary medicine have gained in popularity in recent years as people seek natural solutions to improve overall health. Today, there is also a wider acceptance by the traditional medical community, which until recently had been skeptical of the benefits. In fact, many are accepted and even incorporated to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. Most complementary practitioners have a multilevel view of human illness - Disease and illness are believed to be a result of a variety of disturbances which can be from any o

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r all of the following inputs: Physical, psychological, social, and spiritual.

Ayurveda school tuitions range between $1,000 and $2,000

There is a quickly growing trend out there, and if you haven't yet heard about it, you will soon. As more and more people look for the best ways to get their body to a healthy place, holistic treatments are gaining steam. Individuals are figuring out that there are some really nice ways to improve your health that don't involve waiting around in a doctor's office or purchasing expensive pills. What are these measures? Specifically, people are trying out Ayurveda to change their approach significantly. Most people are trying to achieve Panchakarma, a state where their body is in complete harmony. They are doing this by getting Ayurvedic massage treatments and full body workouts. The idea is to promote relaxation of the highest order. When most folks think about getting a massage, they are intent on getting rid of their stress and also relieving some of the pain in their muscles. Ayurveda Schools Ayurveda training is founded on the principles of preventing disease, treating disorders, and bringing the body into balance. Ayurveda schools educate students about ayurveda sciences, which are comprised of many alternative health sciences, but focus primarily on Ayurvedic techniques and practices. Ayurveda school tuitions range between $1,000 and $2,000 per semester. Ayurveda school certification takes approximately one to two years to complete on a part-time basis. There are currently no licensing requirements for Ayurveda practitioners, however a group of practitioners and instructors are in discussions to create state and national professional associations focused on licensing and certification requirements of Ayurveda practices.

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A big scientific research is being conducted now. This research confirms the hypothesis of ancient doctors about the ageing processes in the organism, which lead to different diseases. Research is being conducted in the area of oncology and allergology, the methods of controlling allergic reactions and stimulating the immune system are being studied. Study shows that ancient science, which was mostly led by intuitiveness, came to the same conclusions. Modern scientists with Western education use the knowledge of Ayurveda, after adapting it to the modern circumstances. For example, different herb preparations are created more efficiently by using herb extracts, instead of pure herbs. Alternative health techniques and complementary medicine have gained in popularity in recent years as people seek natural solutions to improve overall health. Today, there is also a wider acceptance by the traditional medical community, which until recently had been skeptical of the benefits. In fact, many are accepted and even incorporated to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. Most complementary practitioners have a multilevel view of human illness - Disease and illness are believed to be a result of a variety of disturbances which can be from any or a>

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The value of rate constant gives an idea about the speed of a reaction. Greater

Experimental determination of reaction rates depends upon the nature of reaction under investigation. Rates, can be conveniently studied by measuring the suitable physical property of the system as a whole or one of the constituent of the reaction. The rate of a reaction may be influenced by a number of factors like concentration of the reactants, temperature of the reactants, nature of the reacting substances, presence of a catalysts and exposure to radiations. When a chemical reaction occurs, the reactants change over to products. It is observed that with the passage of time the concentration of reactants decrease while those of products increase. Now, if we assume that other factors are constant than the rate of a chemical reaction decreases in concentration of the reactants. Cato Gudberg and Peter Waage proposed a qualitative relationship between the rates of reactions and the concentration of the reacting species. This generalization is known as Law of Mass Action. According to this law at a given temperature, the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of molar concentrations of reacting species with each concentration term raised to the power equal to numerical coefficient of that species in the chemical equation. The rate of reaction when the concentration of each reactant is taken as unity is termed as its rate constant. >

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With such a credential for a city, it's no wonder that it features

Talk about the perfect place at the perfect time? Albuquerque film schools is the answer. It's now common knowledge that there are very few places outside of Hollywood that has as many film locations as the city and area surrounding Albuquerque, New Mexico. Because of having over 300 days of beautiful, dry weather and sun, this city has become one of the hottest areas to film. Recently, Albuquerque is named as one of "Hollywood's Favorite Cities," by the Forbes Magazine. In the December 2008 edition of this magazine, they listed at least 22 films which were big budget releases that were filmed in this great city which included "Terminator Salvation" as well as "The Men Who Stare at Goats." Just those two films earned this city more than $130 million dollars in revenue. Wonderful, isn't it? With such a credential for a city, it's no wonder that it features some really amazing film schools as well. Perfectly situated in the central part of the state, The Film Connection TV and Film School is poised to meet the needs of the increasing number of students who wish to enter into this challenging and lucrative field. With more than twenty television stations within the borders of this city, there are many career opportunities waiting for the recent graduate in the entertainment related arenas. The Film Connection is well known for its Mentor-Apprentice Programs in producing, directing, writing, editing, cinematography, allowing students to work with true industry professionals. After all, nothing's better than one-on-one learning and hands-on availability. After completing your course in the fields of History of Film, Getting Your Movie Made, The Script, Directing, Pre-Production or Post-Production, you would understand why graduates immediately land on a job.

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New Mexico State University is yet one of the outstanding Albuquerque film schools. Their Creative Media Institute offers a Bachelor or Creative Media degree and prepares students in digital filmmaking as well as visual effects and animation. With every great film beginning with a story, this school is in the business of storytelling and then teaching students how to bring that story to fruition. Equipped with state-of-the-art industry technology, students do their projects with the exact same equipment used by those that produce big-budget films. Professional editing and all post-production tools are available for the future filmmakers of this world. The Digital Media Theatre will then take care of you after the completion of the film - so you can express your creative side. This 5.1 surround THX-certified cinema meets each and every industry standard for sound and viewing quality and excellence. Also doubling as a teaching and sound mixing facility, this is available to students any time by reservation. Whether you're an aspiring producer, director, screenwriter, animator, visual artist or cinematographer, Albuquerque film schools will give every student with exactly what's needed to make it in this rewarding business and become a true success.

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Study in Holland is a different experience as it not only helps the student

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University is a place of higher study. It抯 always been a dream of many students to expand their knowledge and to secure a high degree on the particular field of their preference and by taking admission in a good university they can do this. Holland ( or the Netherlands), which is situated at the west of Europe, is highly enriched in its physical beauty and provides awesome opportunities of studies at various levels. There are many people who desire to study abroad but are usually confused which one to choose. If you too are among those then you can easily opt for Holland. You will get many universities in Holland, which provide many different types of courses in enumerable fields. Study in Holland universities will be a unique experience to all the students in a better atmosphere. If you are a school leaver and searching for a better option to enhance your study then you can positively go for the study in Netherlands. Universities in Holland provide favorable condition to both the student of the country and to those take admission in the universities for different courses. Universities in Netherlands offers you better option in the fields like business, film study, photography, music, technology, medical, engineering and subject oriented higher study like post graduation and even doctorate. Study in Holland is a different experience as it not only helps the student to build an academic career but also allows the same to emphasize their skill in the non-academic criteria. You have the opportunity to learn many things beside your studies in the most flexible way at the same busy schedule. 1.There are many universities in Holland offered programmes in English language. If you are interested in it you can positively opt for any one of them according to your convenience. You will get the admission at the universities in Netherlands on the basis of your merits and also you may have to sit for an interview. Study in Holland is based on the semester.

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For undergraduates the course is for three years and postgraduates will complete with in two years. Universities in Netherlands offers all the students a good library service. You can attain the library and gather more ideas for the better result. Campus of the universities in Holland is the main attraction of the students. It抯 a compact place where at least good amount of students can accommodate. It抯 a place where you are free to gossip, practice sports or compose music and even talk about politics.

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If you are a school leaver, graduate, postgraduate student or you stay outside but have a plan to study at Holland then without being in confusion come for any of the universities in the Holland. There are many advantages that the universities in Netherlands provide to the students. There is no doubt that the study in Holland is going to be the best with many good faculties. This is true that each university will differ from one another at few levels but at the end all will shower the same facilities to its students.


Ultrasound technology necessitates the technique of sensing and preparing

Why and How to become an ultrasound technician Technical sphere is definitely a booming area which will have a very plenty of job chance of many. There's always a demand for technicians with this modern era. Within this overly busy world almost everything is touched upon by technology and there's no denial over it. The most beneficial partnerships of technology is with that regarding the medical field. The joy of technology has greater impact in the medical field and it has now become indispensable because of its operation. Medical care companies are vastly dependent on the technical aspects for one to generate an increased reform inside the medical arena. Among such branches in medicine that's greatly relied on technology is ultrasound diagnose. This is an unique and many beneficial branch in medicine which is especially utilized in gynaecology and ophthalmology to your degree. Ultrasound technology necessitates the technique of sensing and preparing an investigation good functions in the bodily organs from the body. Diagnose is conducted using the sound produced by the inner systems along with the image that may be shown out. The whole system breaks down to in a way that the device is placed externally as well as analyze the condition that is internal and produces a photo form. Based on that image you're able to are aware of the exact status inside. The ultrasound technicians are that are specialized in this field and know how to keep on the complete operations pertinent to it easily. For one to become good ultrasound technicians, care must be taken as to the education system that may be linked to it. Traversing to a good school and getting to know things better will allow you to out a great deal. Great exposure and good knowledge sharing is completely required to obtain the best of results. Ultrasound technicians get this amazing demand in the health care needs because it is among the challenging natures with this job that necessitates a higher a higher level technical knowledge.

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